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Firmware Nokia G20 MT6765 Global WW Backup Tested Free


Test Point Nokia G20

READ BACK Initializing usb... OK
Waiting for device... COM3 [BOOTROM:0E8D:0003]
Bypassing authentication... OK
Analyzing... preloader_t99653.bin [MT6765:3:592] [Cust]
Handshaking... OK
Reading hardware info... OK
  Hardware : MT6765 [Helio G25|G35|P35] 0766 8A00 CA00 0000
  Security Config : SCB SLA DAA 
  MEID : 8F2BC167F40C9E2F32C2498E88463FFD
Sending Download-Agent [1]... OK
Syncing with device... OK
Booting device... OK
Syncing with DA... OK
  Storage : EMMC - CID : 53030188.3436444C.594A6547.DB38B048 
  Vendor : Samsung - Name : SLD64G - Serial : 2957531466 - Rev : 101
  Boot1 : 4 MiB - Boot2 : 4 MiB - RPMB : 4 MiB - User Area : 57.62 GiB 
Reading partition info... OK [55]
Reading device info... OK [super]
   Model Name : Nokia G20
   Product Name : Ronin_00WW
   Manufacturer : HMD Global
   Platform : MT6765
   Android Version : 13
   Security Patch : 2024-02-05
   Build ID : 00WW_3_430
   Build : 00WW_3_430
   Build Date : Wed Feb 21 21:19:26 UTC 2024
Reading preloader [512 KiB] -> preloader.bin... OK
Reading pgpt [32 KiB] -> pgpt.bin... OK
Reading boot_para [1 MiB] -> boot_para.bin... OK
Reading para [512 KiB] -> para.bin... OK
Reading expdb [20 MiB] -> expdb.bin... OK
Reading frp [1 MiB] -> frp.bin... OK
Reading nvcfg [32 MiB] -> nvcfg.img... OK
Reading nvdata [64 MiB] -> nvdata.img... OK
Reading md_udc [22.6 MiB] -> md_udc.bin... OK
Reading metadata [32 MiB] -> metadata.img... OK
Reading protect1 [8 MiB] -> protect1.img... OK
Reading protect2 [10.87 MiB] -> protect2.img... OK
Reading seccfg [8 MiB] -> seccfg.bin... OK
Reading persist [48 MiB] -> persist.img... OK
Reading sec1 [2 MiB] -> sec1.bin... OK
Reading proinfo [3 MiB] -> proinfo.bin... OK
Reading efuse [512 KiB] -> efuse.img... OK
Reading nvram [64 MiB] -> nvram.img... OK
Reading wt_tag [2.5 MiB] -> wt_tag.img... OK
Reading logo_a [8 MiB] -> logo_a.img... OK
Reading md1img_a [100 MiB] -> md1img_a.img... OK
Reading spmfw_a [1 MiB] -> spmfw_a.img... OK
Reading scp_a [1 MiB] -> scp_a.img... OK
Reading sspm_a [1 MiB] -> sspm_a.img... OK
Reading gz_a [16 MiB] -> gz_a.img... OK
Reading lk_a [1 MiB] -> lk_a.img... OK
Reading boot_a [32 MiB] -> boot_a.img... OK
Reading vendor_boot_a [64 MiB] -> vendor_boot_a.img... OK
Reading dtbo_a [8 MiB] -> dtbo_a.img... OK
Reading tee_a [5 MiB] -> tee_a.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_a [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_a.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_system_a [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_system_a.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_vendor_a [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_vendor_a.img... OK
Reading picture_a [6 MiB] -> picture_a.img... OK
Reading wt_custom_a [50 MiB] -> wt_custom_a.img... OK
Reading logo_b [11 MiB] -> logo_b.img... OK
Reading md1img_b [100 MiB] -> md1img_b.img... OK
Reading spmfw_b [1 MiB] -> spmfw_b.img... OK
Reading scp_b [1 MiB] -> scp_b.img... OK
Reading sspm_b [1 MiB] -> sspm_b.img... OK
Reading gz_b [16 MiB] -> gz_b.img... OK
Reading lk_b [1 MiB] -> lk_b.img... OK
Reading boot_b [32 MiB] -> boot_b.img... OK
Reading vendor_boot_b [64 MiB] -> vendor_boot_b.img... OK
Reading dtbo_b [8 MiB] -> dtbo_b.img... OK
Reading tee_b [5 MiB] -> tee_b.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_b [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_b.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_system_b [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_system_b.img... OK
Reading vbmeta_vendor_b [8 MiB] -> vbmeta_vendor_b.img... OK
Reading picture_b [6 MiB] -> picture_b.img... OK
Reading wt_custom_b [50 MiB] -> wt_custom_b.img... OK
Reading oem [64 MiB] -> oem.img... OK
Reading elabel [11 MiB] -> elabel.img... OK
Reading super [6 GiB] -> super.img... OK
Reading userdata [50.55 GiB] -> userdata.img... OK
Reading otp [43 MiB] -> otp.img... OK
Reading flashinfo [16 MiB] -> flashinfo.img... OK
UNLOCKTOOL 2024.05.18.0
Elapsed time : 5 minutes 15 seconds

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